Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thankful -- Thankful Thursday

Last Thursday, I was wandering Blogdom and discovered "Thankful Thursday" -- well, I'm not sure that I found the home for it (like I did finally find the home for Wordless Wednesday -- you can see my first entry into that world over at my Suse "Ant Thymes" blog ...)

Thankful Thursday is a great idea. We really need more than one day a year to remind us to be thankful. Maybe everyday should be a Thankful Day. Until then, I like Thankful Thursdays.

This week, I'm a little bummed. Well, a lot bummed.

Bills are piling up and up and up. And the finances just aren't there right now. While we turned in the checks in time, they didn't get to the right office, I guess, and we received a notice that our health insurance has been cancelled. However, I am fairly certain that since it is their fault and not ours, it can be reinstated. It is one of those pieces of mail you just don't want to receive in any event.

However, a dear friend is facing losing her house because her husband was injured on the job. I wish there was so much more that I could do for her. She is blessing to everyone and always goes out of her way to help anyone else in need. She is an awesome example of what it means to be a blessing to others. My life is definitely made better for knowing her.

So, this week, and always, I am thankful for friends. Good friends and casual acquaintance friends.

Friends that I can have a good time with.

Friends that I can share my true feelings with.

Friends who can trust me with their deepest fears and feelings.

Friends who are encouraging.

Friends who are a blessing.

Friends who make me rich no matter what my material wealth.

Even the four-footed furry friends, who have adopted us into their families, who cuddle and snuggle because they know we need it more than they do.

Thank God for Friends!

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